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Sometimes we forget that Sophomores, too, have Milestones at this stage in the process:

Dear Sophomores,

Great to see you and I'm really impressed with your individual commitments to yourselves--to your schoolwork, to your interests/passions and to your own self-improvement. Really lovely to see!

We're well on pace for the process itself and this month there are some "Milestones" I am expecting you to pursue and for us to continue to discuss. Here they are:

  1. School and Activities: These are obviously your priorities--doing your best at school, seeking relationships with your teachers (and reaching out to them for help and with questions), uncovering new interests. Likewise for your activities: you are pursuing what interests you but never staying idle. Seek out the next stage and step in your interests! I'm always here to brainstorm and discuss!

  2. Determining your classes for next year: Remember that there's not a soundbite for this discussion or a "one-size-fits-all" rule to follow. It's *very* personal and requires thoughtful discussion, which we've all had. It's important to keep this conversation going if there are any doubts or confusion. I want to make sure you are properly guided through this decision.

  3. Summer plans: We've been discussing this already and I love your ideas and considerations for your summer commitments! I want you to work this month to develop and further confirm these commitments.

  4. Testing plan: We will continue to discuss this over the next months. Overall, I will want you to consider sitting for either the SAT or ACT early next year, Junior year. Twice and no more. The influence these tests have are waning but if universities continue to require or highly recommend them, I don't want you to lose an option for a university because you have not taken them. We'll discuss.

  5. Research: Some of you have started to research your first universities and some will begin soon. This is pure discovery at this point, totally open and free to your own feedback, likes and dislikes.

Lovely working with all of you! I really enjoy our meetings and look forward to our next together.

Warmest wishes,



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