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Note to my Families: Trends and Updates in Higher Education, 3 July 2020

My regular update to families. I'm finally posting them to this blog. Here's the latest.

Dear Families,

I hope you've had a good week. Some updates from around the globe:

1. Update on student fees, UK, 2021 and beyond: As we somewhat suspected, it has been confirmed that EU students will lose the home status fees if matriculating at a UK university starting 2021.

2. Student's are getting impatient (reason enough!) on plans for universities to re-open. Here's the latest from The Washington Post.

3. OPT updates from the US. I am keeping tabs on this and we will discuss this individually.

4. More than 300 admissions deans (US) issued a statement about what they value in students during the pandemic. It's the first time the deans have collectively spoken on this crucial topic for high school students, parents, and caregivers. The deans convey they value—among other priorities—the following: self-care; service and contributions to others; family contributions.

5. UCAS will be starting a series of virtual information sessions, starting with Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry (15 October deadline).

Students, looking forward to seeing you soon! Always here for you if and when you need me.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,


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