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Note to my Families: University updates 28 August

Dear Students and Families,

I hope you all had a great week and wishing you a lovely weekend, if you're not on it already. Lots going on in the world of international education and here are some updates from around the globe:

  1. Interesting and compelling article on what an undergraduate education should be delivering to its students, Forbes. "The six key experiences that double a graduates’ odds of being engaged in their work and thriving in their overall wellbeing throughout their lifetime. They fall into two categories of ‘relationship-rich’ and ‘work-integrated’ experiences."

  2. The A-level debacle in the UK, NYTimes.

  3. Rethinking the use of standardized test scores in admissions, WaPo. In fact this is from one of the organizations I belong to and a topic I feel very strongly about: they should be eliminated.

  4. The NYTimes is compiling a weekly "school briefing" with updates on the virus and how it affects education, nationally (US) and globally. I'm attaching below this week's edition. I do recommend you sign up if interested (see below).

  5. Terrifying but real: How China is changing education in Hong Kong by killing academic freedom, Economist. Poignant: “Once [pupils] are indoctrinated in schools, what will happen in a decade or so?...Will it lead to a culture of reporting wrong-think?”

  6. Through a pilot programme Australia is allowing a hundred or so international students to attend university in-country. Keep in mind the business model of Australian universities depend massively on international student fees and without them universities face billions of dollars in loss.

See you soon and stay safe!

Warmest wishes,


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