Yoga and Rankings
I was just settling into a relaxing shoulder opener before class when I overheard two of my yoga buddies in the row behind me: --Well, I...

![We've got to stop checking boxes [in the application process]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e7bde4_3c6d5fc2d28f4a2b94b577129b36bb5e~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_225,h_225,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/e7bde4_3c6d5fc2d28f4a2b94b577129b36bb5e~mv2.webp)
We've got to stop checking boxes [in the application process]
This process is way too complicated and based on subjectivity to have an “arranged marriage" of ticked boxes and robotic responses. I...

'Tis the season: University decision letters are coming in...
"Let’s help our students manage this one so that they can be more prepared for what life will continue to roll out: the unexpected."...

University Admissions: Beware of the cart before the horse
Whenever a family first comes to me they do want to show they’ve been doing some “homework” and usually express this to me by giving me...

Translating the university "jargon" to understand the process better
I work with students coming from all different academic curricula and qualifications at the secondary school level--British A-levels,...
Learning life skills through the university admissions process
I’m a firm believer that the admissions process itself lends to a beautiful opportunity for the student to learn about herself, build...
What if I don't like what I think I want to study?
The best question I've received all week. All month. When my students ask me this question I know they are really starting to think...